Business is the ultimate life skill. Understanding the cut and thrust of how the world works gives you a real advantage in any career. In this course you will study a wide range of business subjects both in the UK and globally. A fantastic wide introduction to the subject that will give you great preparation for your career.
A Level Business
Course code: 9BS0
Delivery method: Online and Paper Based
Course duration: 24 Months
Entry requirements: No prior qualification needed
Award achieved: Pearson Edexcel A-Level A Level Business
Awarding body: Pearson Edexcel
The first time the full A Level exams can be taken is June 2017, the AS exams can be taken from June 2016.
Business is the ultimate life skill. Understanding the cut and thrust of how the world works gives you a real advantage in any career.
In this course you will study a wide range of business subjects both in the UK and globally. A fantastic wide introduction to the subject that will give you great preparation for your career.
During this A-Level Business course you will explore meeting customer needs, the market and management you will go on to understand how this relates to business objectives, managing change and globalisation.
Upon successful completion of the exam and practical assessments (as administered by Pearson Edexcel), you will have achieved an internationally recognised Pearson Edexcel A-Level Business.
Tutor support
Our A-Level courses come with tutor feedback and support by email for 24 months. They will mark your TMAs and provide valuable guidance through any trickier parts of the course whenever you need it. You will also receive a study guide to help you with all aspects of studying, essay writing and general student skills.
Skills gained
- Developing an enthusiasm for business
- Gaining holistic understanding of business, and a critical understanding of organisations and their ability to meet societies needs and wants
- Understanding of the ethical dilemmas and responsibilities faced by individuals and organisations
- Acquire a range of relevant business and generic skills including decision makings, the challenging of assumptions and critical analysis
- Apply numerical skills in a range of business contexts
The Pearson Edexcel A-Level Business qualification is gained once all 3 exam papers are successfully completed. These exams are administered by the Pearson Edexcel and assessment centre details will be included with your course, as well as practice papers so that you are more than prepared for your assessments.
In addition, there will be a number of tutor marked assessments (TMAs) to ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the course materials, with the tutor sending comments to guide you through any areas of potential difficulty, as well as a range of self-assessments that are indicators that you understand the materials as you work through them. These are for your own information, and do not need to be shown to your course tutor.
Online and Paper Based
The course is primarily an online course using a Learning Management System (LMS).
You can also choose to have a paper version of the course sent to you.
The online course has many features that cannot be printed such as embedded videos, forums and interactive tests.
The course includes Tutor Marked Assessments which you access and submit through the online system.
Course outline
Course outline
This course is divided into 3 units:
Unit 1: Marketing, people and global business from themes 1 and 4 as well as local, national and global contexts.
Written examination: 2 hours. 35% of A Level. 100 Marks (2 sections, A and B each comprises of one data response question broken down into a number of parts, including one extended open response question)
Unit 2: Business activities, decisions and strategy from themes 2 and 3 as well as local, national and global contexts.
Written examination: 2 hours. 35% of A Level. 100 Marks (2 sections, A and B each comprises of one data response question broken down into a number of parts, including one extended open response question)
Unit 3: Investigating business in a competitive environment from all themes as well as local, national and global contexts.
Written examination: 2 hours. 30% of A Level. 100 Marks (2 sections, A and B each comprises of one data response question broken down into a number of parts, including one extended open response question)
This Unit will focus on a context document released on the Pearson Website the November of the year preceding your exams. The first question will focus on the broad context provided. The second will focus on at least one strand within the context provides such as a particular business.
Each section will contain unseen stimulus materials with both quantitative and qualitative evidence and students will apply their knowledge and understand from all themes and the broad context.
Research or investigation data cannot be taken into the examination.
Course content
Course content
Theme 1: Marketing and People
Module 1: Meeting customer needs
Module 2: The market
Module 3: Marketing mix and strategy
Module 4: Managing people
Module 5: Entrepreneurs and leaders
Unit 2: Managing Business Activities
Module 1: Raising finance
Module 2: Financial planning
Module 3: Managing finance
Module 4: Resource management
Module 5: External influence
Theme 3: Business Decisions and Strategy
Module 1: Business objectives and strategies
Module 2: Business growth
Module 3: Decision-making techniques
Module 4: Influences on business decisions
Module 5: Assessing competitiveness
Module 6: Managing change
Theme 4: Global Business
Module 1: Globalisation
Module 2: Global marketing and business expansion
Module 3: Global marketing
Module 4: Global industries and companies
Mock Exams:
Your online course contains mini assessments at the end of each chapter. However, if you wish to sit a Mock Exam before the finals, we can arrange that at the centre or online. Mock exam fees are additional, and they may vary from £25 to £50 per paper.
Please contact us on 02033028140 or visit our exam centre website for more information and guidance on how to book your final exam http://privateexamcentre.co.uk/.
Final Exams:
Roughly 6 months before your chosen exam date, you should book your place at an exam centre to take the final exam exams for A-Level Certificates.
Advanced level qualifications (known as A levels) are subject-based qualifications conferred as part of the General Certificate of Education, as well as a school leaving qualification offered by educational bodies in the United Kingdom. The exams take place every summer (May/June), and results are released in August.
Please contact us on 02033028140 or visit our exam centre website for more information and guidance on how to book your final exam http://privateexamcentre.co.uk/
Your exam fees aren’t included in the course cost as they’re paid directly to the exam centre. They’ll vary depending on which centre you choose. It is recommended to book your exams will in advance to avoid late booking fees. Book your exams now!
How to Enrol:
- If you’d like to pay in full, you can enrol online using the ‘Purchase’ button.
- If you’d like to set up an interest-free payment plan, get in touch with our A Level Advisors on 0800 7723464.
- If you have any disabilities which you think might affect your studies or assessments, please let us know before you enrol so we can advise you on whether reasonable adjustments can be made to accommodate your needs.
Once your purchase is completed, you will receive your login details within 24 hours, and you will be good to go! Everyone at BestGrade wishes you the best of luck on your studying journey! We know it’s both rewarding and challenging, but your qualification will make a significant contribution to your career path and life. Good luck!
- Book your place today! Prices are on sale for a limited time only.